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Nicholle Gulcur
Storyteller & Copywriter
(that's me!) 
So, WHY "The Sex & Mantra Project"?
Well, the name evoked your curiosity and brought you here. And if you were curious to be turned on to learn more, you're the kind of client I can help.
Taking things that we want, taking feelings we want to feel, connecting things that don't appear to match on the surface but have an unexposed underlying connection... that's what I can help you do.
Taking the real world and mixing in some mysticism. Making simple and mundane things fun. Creating word alchemy and transforming your story into your customer's story. 
The "Project" part came in because I did NOT plan on starting a copywriting business. I accidentally stumbled into this and watched it grow, to my amazement and amusement. 
Here's just a little information about me. 

When I was 7 years old, my Grandma and Aunt took me and my two younger siblings to The Disney Store on Christmas Eve. We grew up on the poor side and we'd never been to The Disney Store before.


We could all pick out one small, inexpensive item as an early gift.


I picked a pink journal with a heart sticker of Aladdin and Jasmine smiling at each other on the cover. I treasured that journal and wrote in it every day. 


Another year in school, my classmates and I were each instructed to write a story about a picture that the teacher handed us. Miffed that I wasn't fortunate enough to get a princess, or cat, or queen, I looked at my picture of a parrot saw a story about a parrot with a golden beak. I wrote about how he was trapped in a pet store and tormented by the other birds. As they were plotting to remove his beak, fate intervened and he was adopted on the morning that the attack would have been carried out.


I won a young author competition that I didn't know I was competing in and was shipped off to a young author conference. 


Years later, teaching ballroom dancing, my first week on the job presented me with a sales test. I passed the test, and went on to pass through the next level and then the next.


That year I won Rookie of the Year in Arthur Murray's National Persuasive Sales Competition. My secret? I understood that selling is telling your customer the story they want to hear. 


And back to the present, working full time and a new mom. Fate and the internet connected me to a few strangers who needed help telling their stories in compelling ways. I told their stories, their customers were delighted, and I was hooked. Writing is my passion and this hobby is slowly evolving into an accidental business. 


Stories have the power to transform lives. If you have a product or service that can make your clients life better, try telling them powerful stories that they can't ignore. Because they don't care about you or the features of your product. They want you to help them feel like the person they want to be. You might have an amazing service, but your clients are buying stories. Let's make yours as irresistible as sex & mantras. 






So now what? 


You can click here and contact me about working together. You can read about the services I offer by clicking here. And you can subscribe to my email list below. I don't email much... just sometimes to say "hello" or if there's special infomation I think you'll want to know about. 












Welcome to The Sex & Mantra Project. You're probably here because you're looking for a sassy yet reliable copywriter and one of my past clients sent you here, or you were lured in by the intriguing name of this site. 


Either way, I'm glad you're here!


The Sex & Mantra Project can help you get people to pay attention to you so you can grow an engaged audience. But how, you ask? 

  • Psychology: The top sales people, executives, even your grocery store all harness the power of psychology to understand consumer needs, desires, and behaviors. You want effective copy written with the reader in mind. You want copy that guides your reader to take the next step of subscribing to your email list, sharing your content, or buying your product. You need to integrate basic principles of behavioral psychology to your copy. 

  • Emotion: Your website needs to connect with the human visiting it. Your copy needs to oooze emotion and stir up feelings. That's how you stand out, and that's how you get readers to give a damn about you. You make them feel what they want to feel. Give it to them and they'll come back for more. 

  • Strategy: When you read a blog post by Ramit Sethi, or Marie Forleo's sales copy, their words are powerful, effective, and natural. But they weren't accidental. Your copy needs to start with a plan and a goal. The words are the map that will guide your clients and readers from point A to point B. 

  • Storytelling: Great content stands out because is has that special something that readers connect to and share. That something special is storytelling. Just check out The Story of Telling by Bernadette Jiwa. Her entire marketing business is built on brand storytelling. NPR once ran a story about the most popular singers in Kenya... they were Dolly Parton and Kenny Rodgers. The audience in Kenya was attracted to these old country western songs because they told stories and Kenya is a country with a deep story telling culture. Storytelling is the magical way to connect with people because storytelling speaks to a need in all humans. 











Here's what some of my past clients have to say: 


Nicholle did an absolutely fabulous job on my bio!! She was so easy to work with! She was very timely in getting the project done and was very thorough in getting exactly what I wanted. She got it right the first time because she was a great listener! We would definitely do work with her again! - Lana H., Real Estate Agent 


I have worked with Nicholle for several years now and always bring her in first on projects important to the success of my company. She brings so many skills to the table that I have yet to find in other freelance writers. Her ability to tell a story that snags the reader from the beginning is stunning. Her hard work, ability to meet deadlines, ability to communicate and understand work assignments, and honesty in a working relationship make working with Nicholle easy and enjoyable. I highly recommend her as well as her work and will continue bringing her in for future work. -Sara Diehl, Empire Coaching







- cheap wine (sue me)

- F-bombs (cursing is a sign on high intelligence FYI)

- cats. all of them. especially cats in Turkey. 

- eating all of the food. 

- BBC period dramas (but Showtiime and Netflix are bringing it with some sexy competition like The Tudors, The Bogias, and Medici)

- saying I'm going to start doing yoga on the reg. 

- Anthony Bourdain (team Parts Unknown)

- Fav. food books/ tv shows in no partidcular order: Two Drunk Ladies, Master of None, The French Chef, Parts Unkiown, Chefs Table, Cooked, 


- Garlic and Sapphires, Kitchen Confidential, The Sweet Life in Paris, Insatiable, The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, French Kids Eat Everything 


So you have a food business.


(And a foul ass mouth. Do you really kiss your mother with that fucking thing?!)

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