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nicholle dot gulcur at gmail dot come 

How do your clients, customers, and readers want to feel? Let's tell your story so that it draws the right people in and they linger over the deliberatley crafted, delicious words that speak directly to them. Send me an email today, your story can't wait to be told!

Send me a message now, before another client books. The Sex & Mantra Project runs a tight ship and it's first come first serve. 


My reputation is for timely delivery on all commitments - but we need to get started as soon as possible so we have adequate time to meet your deadline. 

Current or Prospective Clients

If you'd like to join our team, please submit your resume. Bonus points if you include your Myers-Briggs type and favorite way to drink coffee. 

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"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." --Robert McKee 

"Those who tell the stories rule the world." --Hopi American Indian proverb


"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place." --J.K. Rowling

Et voila! Your request has been sent to We'll be in touch very soon.

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